
1.5.0 – Cockpit Available to More Team Members

Improvements and New Features

Cockpit Available to All Team Members

Previously restricted to the organization owner, the cockpit is now accessible to all team members. When members are added to the teams, they will receive an invitation automatically.

Queue Implementation in Automation

This improvement is more technical but worth highlighting due to its impact on application robustness. We migrated all complex automation and routines to a robust messaging system, which provides the application with improved stability and quality.


  • We fixed the bug that prevented the alert from being closed.
  • Added dates to alerts to make the timing of the information clearer.

1.4.0 – New Artifacts and Setup Improvements

Improvements and New Features

New Team Alerts

Code Review Time

Code Review is a critical process in an engineering team and a significant factor affecting Lead Time. We’ll alert you when there’s a gap in the code review process.

Large PRs

Large PRs can hinder reviews and slow down the process. To ensure more efficient reviews, we’ll notify you when a PR exceeds the optimal size.

Possible High Individual Workload

We monitor team satisfaction and now have an alert to identify members with a high workload. This helps prevent burnout and ensures the team isn’t overcommitting.


  • It fixed a bug that prevented Kody from joining public Slack channels.

1.3.13 – Epic Tracking, Team Effort Distribution, and Performance Improvements

Improvements and New Features

New Initiative Tracking Section

That crucial initiative for the quarter can now be tracked stress-free. With our latest update, view the progress of all ongoing epics and initiatives in an integrated manner. Discover, for example, how many are yet to start, are in progress, or have been completed.

Leveraging the intelligence of Kody, which analyzes your metrics, we now also provide indicators of whether an epic is On Track or not.

Team Effort Distribution Analysis

Where is your team’s effort going? Are we aligned with the roadmap? With our new feature, those questions are no longer a concern. Easily analyze how the team’s effort is distributed by item type, based on Lead Time.

Performance Improvements Related to Metrics

We know there used to be time to grab a coffee while the metrics loaded in the cockpit. That has changed: we’ve improved our algorithms and implemented a 5-minute cache. Coffee will have to wait another time, as the metrics load quickly!

1.3.10 – Introduction to DORA Metrics and Improvements in Cockpit and Check-ins

Improvements and New Features

Introduction to DORA Metrics

As part of our mission to provide more visibility and autonomy to teams, we are excited to announce the introduction of DORA Metrics in our metrics engine. These metrics are crucial for engineering, and we started with the implementation of Deploy Frequency, now available in the cockpit.

To facilitate the capture of your team’s deployments, we offer three configuration options:

  • Deploy via CI/CD
  • Deploy via Release Tag
  • Deploy via PR/MR

Our goal is to make this functionality as customizable as possible, adapting to your team’s specific needs.

New Cockpit Visualization

Alongside the new metrics, we have made several visual improvements to the cockpit to make information visualization more intuitive. Now, in addition to system-level artifact visualization, you can view team-specific artifacts. This allows for a more detailed analysis of the root causes of problems your team is facing.

Improvements in Daily and Weekly Check-ins

We have enhanced the logic for delay alerts to prioritize more important items, encouraging the team to finish started tasks before beginning new ones. This also reduces clutter in the delayed items section, showing only critical information. Remember, you can still view all delayed items by clicking the check-in button.


  • The parameter for work item types is now considered in check-ins, whether for delivery date alerts or for delivery issues/risks.
  • Performance improvements and minor bug fixes.

1.3.2 – Team Work Themes and Bug Fixes

Improvements and New Features

Visualization of Team Work Themes in the Cockpit

We harnessed the power of Large Language Models (LLMs) to group work items into themes. Now, you can quickly and intuitively view all the themes your teams are working on.


  • Adjusted tooltip formatting in the dashboard charts.
  • Fixed the help modal in the cockpit, which was not loading.
  • Fixed the getWorkItems function for WIP items, which was not retrieving items without updates.

1.3.0 – Cockpit, Dashboard, Company-level Artifacts, and More

Improvements and New Features

Kody cockpit

Enhanced Visibility for Leadership

We have added a new layer of visualization for leaders of multiple teams. Now, it’s possible to see whether your engineering team is performing well or poorly. Two new features achieve this.

Company-level Artifacts

In addition to team-level artifacts, we now have organization-level artifacts. These provide essential information about what is happening with your teams so you know which team or project needs more attention at any given moment. Some of the artifacts include:

  • Alert for teams where flow quality has dropped, indicating they are no longer following best engineering practices or the processes defined by the organization;
  • Alert for potential sprint delays (for teams using Scrum);
  • Alert for a drop in productivity (increase in lead time);
  • Alert for a decline in quality.

Cockpit Screen

This screen focuses on providing this visibility to leadership. Here, you can view the above artifacts and critical metrics at the organization and team levels.

Metrics Dashboard

Additional visual charts for all organization and team-level metrics are now available. You can now see a historical view of your teams.

Support for Private Channels on Slack

You can now add Kody to private Slack channels.


The Insights Screen is Public Again: In update 1.2.0 (multi-team), the insights screen was accidentally made private. It is now public again, and you can share it with your team.