
6 Ways to spot issues with Developer Experience


Developer experience (DX) is at the heart of any company that values its engineering teams. When DX flows smoothly, teams are more productive, and processes run faster. But when obstacles arise, everything gets harder—rework, frustration, and a drop in productivity. So, if you’re looking to improve your team’s dev experience, here are six practical ways to identify DX issues and boost the work environment.

1. Frequent Negative Feedback

If you keep hearing the same complaints from your developers, it’s a clear sign something’s off. Complaints about processes, tools that don’t work properly, or even a lack of task clarity could hint at deeper problems. When negative feedback becomes frequent, it’s worth diving in to investigate further.

For example, if devs are constantly complaining about a buggy tool or a slow process, it’s time to find solutions. What might seem like a small annoyance to management can become a nightmare for devs in their day-to-day. The sooner you identify these pain points, the faster you can improve DX. After all, no one likes wasting hours on a slow tool, right?

2. Demotivated Teams

If your developers are losing motivation, one possible cause might be workload overload. When the team is constantly racing against time while dealing with inefficient processes, mental exhaustion creeps in fast. This directly affects motivation—and, of course, the quality of work.

One way to spot burnout is by tracking deploy frequency and code quality. If deliveries slow down and bugs become more frequent, it could be a sign of burnout. And let’s be real—endless meetings and sudden urgent requests only make things worse. Give your devs breathing room and maintain a healthy environment so they can stay focused and productive.

3. Constant Rework

If your team is always redoing tasks or fixing things that should’ve been resolved, it’s a clear sign something’s wrong with your processes. Rework is one of the biggest time and energy drains for any engineering team. Besides being frustrating, it delays project progress.

This problem often ties back to poorly defined processes, missing documentation, or frequent scope changes. If bugs keep popping up in features that were already delivered, it’s time to stop and assess what’s going wrong. Aligning expectations and improving internal communication can significantly reduce rework and improve the developer experience.

4. Growing Technical Debt

If technical debt keeps piling up and you never find time to address it, that’s a warning sign. Technical debt refers to those quick fixes devs make to meet deadlines, which end up causing problems later. It could be messy code, features released without proper testing, or a refactor that got postponed. Over time, these shortcuts weigh down the team’s performance.

When your team is always firefighting—dealing with old bugs or avoiding messy code—productivity takes a nosedive. And the longer you wait to clean up, the harder and more expensive it gets. Ultimately, the product suffers as deliveries slow down, and quality drops.

This usually happens when the focus is too much on speed and not enough on code maintenance. I get it—deadlines are real. But if you don’t keep things organized, the mess piles up, and soon you’re spending more time fixing mistakes than building new things. To prevent technical debt from spiraling out of control, make time for code refactoring, remove duplications, and tackle those backlog improvements that have been sitting there forever.

A smart strategy is to build debt payment into the team’s routine—whether it’s during sprints or setting aside specific days to handle these tasks. This keeps things under control and stops small issues from becoming big nightmares.

Another tip: make the impact of technical debt visible to everyone, especially managers. When you can show that the team is slowing down or bugs are popping up because of unresolved issues, it’s easier to justify the need for refactoring. In the end, everyone wins—the product gets better, and the team can focus on what really matters.

5. Lack of Autonomy

Autonomy is key to keeping developer experience high. If your devs are always waiting for approvals or forced to follow rigid processes, it directly impacts motivation—and the quality of work. Nobody likes feeling micromanaged or being limited by rules that leave no room for flexibility. To deliver high-quality work efficiently, teams need the freedom to make decisions.

When developers have the autonomy to choose the best tools, architectures, and solutions, they feel ownership over their work. This sense of responsibility makes a big difference—they treat the code as “theirs,” paying more attention to details and being more careful with deliveries. Teams with more decision-making freedom are also more agile, adapting quickly to changes without having to jump through multiple layers of approval.

But autonomy doesn’t mean chaos. The team still needs clear guidelines, alignment with project goals, and best practices. Within that framework, though, they should have the freedom to decide how to achieve those goals. For example, instead of dictating which frameworks or libraries to use, why not let the devs propose their options and discuss them as a team? Often, developers bring innovative ideas that can optimize workflows and improve performance.

Granting more autonomy also means trusting your team to solve problems their way, without fear of failure. It’s important they know that mistakes are part of the learning process, and as long as they learn and fix things quickly, it’s okay. This creates an environment where devs feel comfortable experimenting with new approaches and continuously improving the product.

6. Repetitive Work

If there’s one thing that frustrates developers, it’s repetitive work. Nobody enjoys being stuck doing manual tasks like running tests or reviewing code line by line. This not only wastes valuable time but also pulls focus away from more strategic and challenging activities. Let’s face it—devs love solving complex problems and building innovative solutions, right?

Automation is a huge help here. Automating tests is one of the most effective ways to catch errors early without requiring devs to manually run every test. And the best part? It frees up time for them to focus on what really matters. Automated code reviews also help establish consistent review standards, so the team knows what the system will check and can focus on bigger improvements while automation handles the details. Less time spent reviewing code means more time to innovate and solve product challenges.

Investing in automation removes the burden of repetitive tasks and allows developers to concentrate on what truly makes an impact. This directly boosts the team’s productivity.

The Path to a Healthy Developer Experience

At the end of the day, improving developer experience requires ongoing attention. What causes problems today might not be the same six months from now, especially in a fast-growing environment. The key is to create an open feedback loop where developers feel heard and valued. The more you invest in DX, the happier and more productive your team will be—and that translates directly into better results.

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Meet Kody, the AI assistant for engineering teams.

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