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flow time de desenvolvimento

Keeping the dev team in “flow”—that peak state of focus where ideas flow and the code practically writes itself—is crucial. But let’s be real, one of the biggest threats to

space framework

Developer productivity is a crucial factor in the software development world. It directly impacts delivery timelines, software quality, and team satisfaction. In this context, the Space Framework was created to

developer experience

Developer experience, or DevEx, is a concept that’s gaining a lot of traction in the software development world. But why is developer experience so important? How does it directly impact

pessoa fazendo code review

When it comes to software development, one thing is clear: no one wants messy, unmaintainable code. A solid code review process is essential to catching problems before they turn into

limitar wip

In this article, we’re going to talk about why WIP (Work In Progress) is important, how to manage it in engineering teams, and share some strategies to help you set

A imagem mostra um homem branco, analisando o throughput scrum, tomando café enquanto trabalha sentado à frente de um notebook

Throughput in Scrum is a key metric for evaluating the efficiency and productivity of software development teams. It shows the amount of work completed in a certain period, helping to